Create a Street light Project for Kids

Create a Street light Project for Kids


This project deals with a new and unique way to save human resources and save electricity across the world, using these street lights we can save a huge amount of electricity and the problem of turning the street lights ON and OFF will also be solved.

In this project we have used a Photoresistor Sensor and an LED here the sensor senses the the dark as the photo resistor sensor can sense dark and light. On sensing the dark the LED will glow automatically without any switch.

Hardware required 

  1. Arduino Uno R3
  2. Photoresistor
  3. Resistor
  4. LED
  5. BreadBoard
  6. Jumper Wires

Schematic Diagram

Fig 1.  Circuit Diagram

Arduino Code : 

const int ledPin = 9;                                                                                // led pin to 9
const int ldrPin = A0;                                                                           // ldr pin to A0

void setup() {
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);                                                     // led pin as output
  pinMode(ldrPin, INPUT);                                                            // ldr pin as input

void loop() {
  int ldrStatus = analogRead(ldrPin);   

   if (ldrStatus <=300) {                                    // LDR value less than 300 is dark
    digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);                                                                      // LED on  
  else {
    digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);                                                                      // LED off


  1. Connections should be done properly.
  2. Arduino is case Sensitive so code accordingly.
  3. Give different colors to the wires.

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